Monday, January 30, 2012

Rants & Raves: Can I be "fabulous" and natural at first??

We love natural hair because it’s just that…. natural, free, bold, sexy, unique, all the above. Right? Ok so what happens when you big chop and you’re ready to go out with your girls or on a hot date and you stand next to your girls with the weaves and their hair swinging and such. They strangely seem more glamorous than ever right? WELL THEY'RE NOT! Just like in anything in life, you’re never going to jump into something new and be confidant and in loovvee with your new look at all times. I promise you don’t look weird when you are rocking your TWA(or something that isn’t fabulously huge yet)! Seriously! You must make yourself feel they way you want to look and look they way you want to feel! I know you’re thinking that nothing can get you out of this BC dump, but encourage yourself ladies! Be daring with your look! Wear that bold lip you’ve been wanting from the MAC counter. Don’t sit back and wait for the compliments, compliment yourself! I had an issue with this at first. I felt like my hair was too short for me to do my makeup full out, but boy was I wrong! You’re already fearless for going natural, why not go all out?? I’m not telling you to look like a circus clown or something crazy, but I do want to encourage you to go outside of your comfort zone! I like to call it.... BrAshfully Natural!! Do it ladies!

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